CIES2021: Large-scale Energy Storage System with Strong Reliability Casts Strong Influence of ZTT

2021/6/16 8:34:47 人评论 次浏览


Recently, the 11th China International Energy Storage Conference was held in Hangzhou. The theme of this conference is “Stick to The Bottom Line of Energy Storage Safety, Promote The Industrial Innovation and Development”.

Jin Chengyou, chief engineer of Zhongtian Energy Storage Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as Zhongtian Energy Storage), on behalf of ZTT, delivered a keynote speech entitled “Large Energy Storage System with Strong Reliability” .

During the conference, a series of awards entitled “The Most Influential Energy Storage Industry in China” were presented. After comprehensive application by the organizing Committee of the conference in accordance with the selection rules, review conditions and publicity of the shortlisted enterprises, Zhongtian Energy Storage was awarded “2021 China Energy Storage Industry-The Most Influential Enterprise” for its excellent products and services.